Oral health facts & tips: Tooth whitening

26 February 2019
Cosmetic dentistry is on the up and more and more people are now heading into the dentist enquiring about how they can improve the look of their smile.
A recent survey carried out by RealSelf, found that 40% of Brits want to improve their teeth with whitening, veneers or Invisalign. With that being said, there are still many myths out there about tooth whitening.
Here, we separate fact from fiction and help you learn more about tooth whitening.
Top ten facts about tooth whitening
1. There are many factors that influence the whiteness of your teeth. Food and drinks such as tea, coffee and red wine can stain your teeth over time, as can smoking. Genetics may also influence how bright your teeth are.
2. If plaque is not removed regularly by brushing and flossing, it hardens to form calculus. Calculus (also known as tartar) can also affect the colour of your teeth.
3. Some people may have staining under the surface. This can be caused by some antibiotics or by tiny...