Prenatal Dental Care Is Important For Mother and Infant Baby

Prenatal Dental Care Is Important For Mother and Infant Baby It is important for everyone to take a good care of your teeth and gums while pregnant. In pregnancy it can can cause hormonal changes that increase risk developing gum disease. In turn it can affect the health of your developing baby. Before you consulting dentist you should first consult to obstetrician to see weather you have special precaution or instruction. Then tell dentist the names and drugs that you are taking as well as any special medical advices given to you by the doctor.  Factors Of Prenatal Dental Care: Dental health is important part of your overall health. It is also important of your pregnancy care. Pregnancy increases the risk of certain dental health problems that may leads to pregnancy complications. Therefore don't skip dental checkup during pregnant. Taking good care of your mouth, teeth, gums can help you have a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy. Affects Of Dental Health During Pregnancy: Changes in your body during pregnancy can affect your teeth and gums. Like increase of certain hormones or because of your eating habits or You brush less than you did before you got pregnant. These changes can increase your risk for certain dental problems during pregnancy. Even the higher level of hormones  can leads to temporary loss of your teeth. Prevent dental problems: Brush your teeth twice a day. Then if you can't brush your teeth because of vomiting use antacids or rinse your mouth. Then visit your dentist for a regular dental checkup even during pregnancy and you should tell dentist that you're pregnant. Then eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and limit sweets. And drink as much of water.  and avoid smoking these are some of the prevention of dental problems.