Difficult days

 I had a relatively difficult day at work today. It was one of those days where one thing went wrong and then another and then it seemed to snowball all throughout the day. I think a lot of how difficult the day was was due to my mindset. Each challenge I encountered along the way in isolation wouldn't have been an issue on any other day. But it was the way I reacted to the first challenge that was key.  It's days like this that make me realise that I may not be as mentally strong as I think I am or seem to be. Everyone has bad days, it's important to admit that. But luckily for me these are few and far in between. They're like a cloud sitting over your head that affects your judgement and amplifies the impact of errors. I wonder how people function who feel this way on a chronic basis. In any case, tomorrow is a new day and new opportunity so I will keep trying to look upwards and forwards.