7 Things Your Dentist Wants You to Know

There’s so much misinformation about dentistry out there. Misunderstandings abound about what your dentist does and how they can help you. What are the most important things your dentist wants you to know about your dental health? Find out right now! 1. Your gums are just as important as your teeth It’s true! Your gums are just as important as your teeth, just in a different way. Your gums and teeth work together. You can’t have healthy gums without healthy teeth — and vice versa. Think of your gums as the foundation for your teeth. Gums weakened by infection and disease greatly increase your risk of tooth loss over time. Gums that recede can lead to a greater risk of tooth decay and increased tooth sensitivity. Gum disease has also been linked with increased risks of heart disease, diabetes, and a variety of chronic health problems. If you’ve had a tooth replaced with an implant, gum disease is the #1 cause of implant failure. 2. You can have healthy teeth for life, but it takes dedication Many people believe their teeth are a lost cause. They’ve had a lifetime of cavities or have teeth that are stained or misaligned. It’s just not true. There’s always something your dentist can do to get your dental health under control or to help you find solutions for your dental problems. Your diet, your at-home care routine, and regular trips to the dentist are key for maintaining dental health. Here’s our 2x2x2 rule of thumb: Brush your teeth 2x a day Brush for 2 minutes each time See the dentist 2x a year for a cleaning and exam And of course, don’t forget to floss! If you have questions about brushing and flossing techniques, ask your dentist or hygienist at your next exam. 3. Cosmetic dentistry isn’t all about appearances Cosmetic dentistry can help everyone feel better about their smile and can even improve your health, too. Many people assume that cosmetic treatments are a huge investment. You might see celebrities with dazzling smiles and think they’re out of reach. This isn’t always the case. Simple whitening treatments or a few veneers can really transform your smile, without the huge price tag. Science proves that when you smile more you’ll be happier and more confident, too. But beyond appearances, cosmetic treatments have additional benefits to your health: Veneers and tooth-colored fillings provide protection against chips, cracks, and stains. Invisalign and other tooth-aligning systems help keep food from getting trapped between teeth, making it easier to brush/floss and reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Implants not only look great but protect against bone loss in the jaw which can lead to a sunken facial appearance down the road. 4. Being nervous at the dentist is completely normal

Many people suffer from a bit of dental anxiety. For some, it’s so severe they cancel appointments at the last minute or don’t even make an appointment in the first place. It’s very important to know that this dental anxiety is normal and natural, especially if you had a bad experience at the dentist in the past. While there are medical options for reducing anxiety, like prescription medications and nitrous oxide gas, there are natural methods you can try, too. Here at Batchelor Dentistry, we offer our patients NuCalm , a completely natural and healthy way to reduce stress and anxiety. Ask for a demo at your next visit to our office! 5. Cavities in baby teeth should be taken seriously

“But aren’t baby teeth just going to fall out anyway?” Cavities and decay in baby teeth can have health consequences that last a lifetime. First, cavities at any age may be an indicator of poor brushing habits or a diet that’s too rich in sugary foods. This is especially common in younger kids who are put to bed with a bottle or a cup of juice without brushing. Kids should start brushing (with help from an adult) as soon as they start teething. A wet cloth is fine when there are just a few teeth coming in, but kids should start using a brush soon after. If left untreated, cavities in baby teeth can lead to: Serious tooth decay Tooth loss and misalignment of the adult teeth Very painful toothaches, and even serious infection If your kids are suffering from cavities or you’d like to make sure your kids don’t get cavities in their baby teeth, we can help. Schedule your appointment today! 6. Dental insurance isn’t the same thing as health insurance

If you have dental insurance, that’s great. It can help you reduce the cost of many treatments at the dentist’s office. But it doesn’t work exactly like your health insurance does.  This is a generalization, but with health insurance, you’re usually paying out of pocket until you hit a limit (your deductible), and then the discounts kick in. With dental insurance, it’s almost the opposite. You get discounts on treatments (and possibly some free preventive care) until you hit your policy’s “cap” or “maximum” (usually this amount is quite low, often $1,000 or so). Then you’ll pay out of pocket for the rest of the care you need throughout the year. In most cases, your dental insurance can be thought of as: Helping pay for preventive care like exams, x-rays, and cleanings Providing a discount on a limited number of restorative treatments Not something that will make all of your trips to the dentist “free” 7. Your dentist is here to help It’s true! Dentists aren’t here to judge you for skipping appointments or forgetting to brush once in a while. We want to help you figure out the best way to reach your oral health goals. Whether that means maintaining a healthy smile, fixing misaligned teeth, or investing in high-tech repairs for missing teeth, we only want what’s best for you, your smile, and your health. See for yourself at Batchelor Dentistry. Call us at (540) 432-9992 to schedule your appointment today!