What is NuCalm? The Drug-Free Alternative to Sedation Dentistry

Do you have trouble sleeping the night before a trip to the dentist? Do you get nervous in the waiting room listening for your name to be called? Do you fret about what your dentist might find during your next exam? Maybe you’re even getting a little nervous just reading this? Don’t worry. It’s natural and you might be one of the millions of people who feel some level of dental anxiety or dental phobia. Here at Batchelor Dentistry, we take a lot of pride in helping people get the care they need without fear, stress, or worry. Keep reading to learn our secrets. NuCalm in a nutshell: 5 things you should know Natural and non-medicinal Starts working fast Creates a state of deep relaxation No recovery time Lasting effects make your whole day better Learn More Where does dental anxiety come from? Dental anxiety often doesn’t have one clear and obvious source. Instead, it may be influenced by factors like: Poor experience at the dentist as a child Fear of the unknown Fear of pain A feeling of lack of control during the appointment Embarrassment about your smile Modern dentistry is different Dentists today aren’t like the dentists of 15 or 25 years ago. Today, dentists are much more aware of their patients’ feelings and emotions than they were in the past. At Batchelor Dentistry, we help overcome stress and anxiety by: Getting to know you and your worries. The better we understand where you’re coming from, the more we’ll be able to help. Communicating with patients before and during treatment. We’ll let you know what to expect and encourage you to ask questions before we get started. Being a 100% judgment-free office. We are only here to help you look and feel better. We’re just glad you came to see us. Making sure you feel comfortable and numb before we start. Encouraging patients to signal us if they’re in pain or uncomfortable. You are in control. Dental anxiety by the numbers

5+ - Percentage of people with severe dental phobia 20 - Percentage of Americans affected by some level of dental anxiety  95 - Percentage of people who will get a cavity during their life — skipping cleanings and exams due to anxiety can allow a small and easily filled cavity to become serious 45 - Minutes for an average trip to the dentist — with a friendly dentist you’ll be done before you know it Treating dental anxiety — what works? No two cases of dental anxiety are alike. Overcoming your anxiety requires a tailored and customized approach. Unfortunately, until recently many dentists took a one-size-fits-all approach to treating anxiety. A common treatment plan might look something like this: Nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” used during the appointment can make you care a little less and relax a little more while in the office, but cannot be used by pregnant women or individuals with certain health conditions. And, nitrous causes a headache for some people.  Valium and other prescription medications taken before an appointment can reduce anxiety, but may have serious side effects and is not safe for everyone to use. IV sedation during an appointment can further reduce anxiety and can even cause you to “forget” a procedure ever happened. Is there a better way? Medications and sedation dentistry options have their place. However, there are some drawbacks. Many sedation options have side effects and take time to wear off. Plus they don’t address the root cause of the anxiety, they simply mask the symptoms.  Breathing exercises, yoga, and relaxation techniques can reduce anxiety in every aspect of your life. Therapy can help you uncover the source of your anxiety and overcome it. Listening to music during your appointments can bring back positive memories and help you feel relaxed and comfortable. Have you tried NuCalm? Here at Batchelor Dentistry, we go a step further in helping our patients reduce anxiety and feel at ease during their appointments. We’re proud to be one of the few practices in the area who offers NuCalm . What is NuCalm? It’s important to understand that NuCalm isn’t medicine, it’s a multifaceted system designed to enable your body to calm itself. NuCalm combines: Light-blocking eye mask Noise-canceling headphones and neuro-acoustic sound technology Micro-current stimulation Topical cream What does it look like to you, the patient? Pop on some headphones, listen to some music, and feel great when we’re finished. However, what’s really happening is these tools work in concert to create a relaxed “pre-sleep” state and deep level of relaxation. Our patients report that not only are they much more comfortable at our office, they also sleep better and feel sharper mentally after they finish their treatment. I describe it as meditation on steroids.  That’s perhaps the biggest difference between NuCalm and pharmaceutical sedation options. There’s no hangover and no recovery time needed. In fact, just the opposite. You’ll feel better than when you came in and can get back to your daily routine straight away. NuCalm also starts working in about 5 minutes while other sedation options can take much longer to kick into high gear. NuCalm is a great addition to procedures like: Fillings Crowns  Cleanings and exams, which are crucial to lifelong dental health Extractions, including wisdom teeth for teens and adults Emergency treatments when you’re feeling especially stressed and worried Schedule your appointment today

Do you feel like your dental anxiety is holding you back? Let’s talk about how we can work together to help you get the care you need. At Batchelor Dentistry, we go above and beyond for every patient. We will work with you to create a treatment plan and dental experience you’re comfortable with. It all starts with a conversation. So let’s talk. Contact our office today to schedule your first appointment and consultation.