Easy-to-style essentials for summer trips

Isn’t packing for a trip weird? A trip of purported pleasure carries you to a distant land, to which you can only bring a small portion of your stuff.

“What do I bring?” you shout back at life. Don’t worry, you can make it really easy on yourself. I want what I packed to be so easy and versatile I could fall into my duffel and come out in something cohesive. That’s how effortless travel dressing should be. Let’s explore a few of my gender-neutral summer travel essentials.

White cotton button-down shirt

White cotton is as classic and versatile as it gets. Pull it for every trip to a warm destination. Tanks and tees are good forms of it, but my choice is always a white cotton button-down shirt. Also called an oxford, this piece has been a casual classic chosen by icons such as Dean Martin and Princess Diana.

A “button-down” shirt differs from a “button-up” shirt because you can button down the collar tip of a “button-down” shirt. Cleverly named, right? It’s more relaxed and sportier than the “button-up” variant, and you can get a decent one at Walmart.

And yes, I said sporty. A lot of what we see as “dressy” today started as sportswear. In fact, a lot of it can still hang with today’s sportswear. Wear one open and roll up the sleeves to pair it easily with running shorts and your favorite sneakers.

Read the rest of this article in the April issue of Contour magazine, focused on worldwide opportunities to serve in dentistry.

~Nathan Gamache, Missouri-Kansas City ‘23

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