FAQ - Dr. Michael Krochak Pre-Dental Scholarship

There are some college students who have dreamed of becoming a dentist from a young age, while others are still undecided when entering college to earn their undergraduate degree. No matter which type of student you are, it is normal to have questions when considering applying to dental school and earning a degree in dentistry. While it is most definitely a rewarding career, the steps from ending the undergraduate level to finally graduating from an accredited dental school can be daunting. Here are some popular questions that students often have in regard to dental school as well as a career in dentistry. What is the Best Undergraduate Major for Dental School? Contrary to what you may believe, a degree in biology is not required to apply to dental school. Any undergraduate degree is accepted. Besides your prerequisite science courses, you can major in any field and I would encourage you to become well-rounded and take as many non-science courses as fits your schedule. You’ll be taking continuing education science for the rest of your life. It would be nice to converse with your patients about topics such as art, history, and politics. What Factors are Considered by Dental School Admissions? As with your undergraduate college or university, many schools look at a variety of factors when determining which candidates would be ideal for their school and program. Many ideal candidates not only have good grades and test scores, but also show that they are a well-rounded individual. Dental schools are looking for candidates who will not only learn and perform the material, but will also have the empathetic qualities needed to be a fantastic dentist. Is My GPA Considered? While each school does take your GPA into consideration, every school weighs grades and GPA differently. It is important to reach out to each dental school that you are considering directly to learn and discuss their GPA criteria.  Are Dental Schools Ranked? There is no official dental school ranking. As with other colleges and universities, each dental school offers something unique. Students will be drawn to different schools based on a number of factors such as campus life, atmosphere, location, and course study. If you are considering a career in dentistry and are interested in applying to dental school, the scholarship opportunity provided by Dr. Michael Krochak has opened for the 2023 scholarship.  2023 Scholarship Award Details The Dr. Michael Krochak Pre-Dental Scholarship was developed to encourage young men and women to enter the field of dentistry. The scholarship helps students pursuing careers in dentistry to meet the rising cost of college tuition. The 2023 award applications will be accepted from June 2022 through January 2023. If you are a college junior or senior enrolled in a U.S. accredited college or university and are engaged in pre-dental studies with a 3.3 GPA or better by the end of your sophomore year, you are eligible to apply for this one-time $1,000 scholarship.  Best of luck!