Tips to Apply to Dental School

Have you made the decision to apply to dental school? If so, be sure to go back and read the previous blogs where we share recommendations on the steps you should take during each year of your undergraduate degree. Today, we are going to review some tips that will help you during the application process. The entire process can become a little overwhelming because everything needs to be completed while you are working on your undergraduate studies. The most important thing to remember during this process is to stay organized. Be sure that all of the documentation you need is stored in a central location and have a specific calendar with all of the due dates noted. Additional tips include: Prepare Early Dental school applications can be time consuming and contain many components. These applications need to be carefully prepared so the earlier you begin the better. Research the requirements for each school you are planning to apply to so you can be sure to have everything in order. Don't forget to ask for letters of recommendation in plenty of time for them to be written and reviewed. It is also important to be aware of any fees associated with the application.  Be Honest When completing your application, be sure to be honest about yourself, your accomplishments, your interests and your aspirations for the future. Individuals who read the applications have seen more than their fair share and can easily determine when someone is stretching the truth or being dishonest. If the application is questioned it may be dismissed. If you are selected as a candidate, there will be an interview process, and you want your ideals to coincide on paper and in person.  Remain Professional It is important to remember that you are your reputation. Be sure to review all of your social media accounts to ensure that your content reflects your true persona. It would be a shame for prior incidents from your youth to impact your professional future. All social media accounts should be set to private.  Scholarship Opportunity Be sure to keep in mind the scholarship opportunity provided by Dr. Michael Krochak. Although the scholarship for this year just ended, you can still  click the link below to learn more information for next year. The Dr. Michael Krochak Pre-Dental Scholarship was developed to encourage young men and women to enter the field of dentistry. The scholarship helps students pursuing careers in dentistry to meet the rising costs of college tuition and is available to students in their junior year of college. For additional information on the scholarship, please visit our website: .