The Importance of Building Relationships and Being Involved in the Community

You probably remember that when you were starting the process of researching and completing the requirements for your undergraduate application you needed to have more than just a stellar transcript and high SAT scores. While grades are important, many colleges and universities are looking for well-rounded students. Undergraduate colleges often look for extracurricular involvement and ways you give back to the community. Dental schools look at students much in the same way. While your undergraduate transcripts are extremely important, there is also a big focus on meaningful activities. Community Service Becoming a dentist is more than just caring for teeth. It is important to remember that dentistry is a service-focused profession. During your dental education, residency, and, finally, when you are practicing, you will be serving and helping people on a daily basis. Many dental schools are looking for a history where you have the knowledge and patience to serve the community in various aspects throughout your career and beyond. When researching dental schools, be sure to read the mission statement and look through any material provided to see how the school gives back to the community. Many dental schools have partnerships with the community to serve those in need, such as in clinics. If you are new to giving back, be sure to look around your college campus or research popular non-profits for opportunities to give back to your community. Find something you are passionate about so your efforts are genuine. Some may include: Food pantry or soup kitchen Senior, youth, and community centers Homeless shelters Church involvement Habitat for Humanity Build Relationships Throughout your career, you will need to have the skills to build relationships with colleagues, patients, and the community at large. It is important to begin learning the skills to manifest those relationships during your undergraduate studies. As mentioned above, one way is through giving back to others, but it is equally important to build relationships with the school community such as with your professors and fellow classmates. Building relationships with your professors will be useful during the dental school application process. They will be more willing to assist with proofreading or writing a letter of recommendation for your dental application.  If you are interested in pursuing further education and applying to dental school, be sure to read more about the scholarship provided by Dr. Michael Krochak. The deadline is quickly approaching, so, if you are eligible, get your application in as soon as possible. Applications for the 2022 award can be submitted starting in June 2021 through January 31, 2022. To learn more about the scholarship and to see if you are eligible to apply, click the link below. The Dr. Michael Krochak Pre-Dental Scholarship was developed to encourage young men and women to enter the field of dentistry. The scholarship helps students pursuing careers in dentistry to meet the rising cost of college tuition and is available to students in their junior year of college. For additional information on the scholarship, please visit our website: .