Deciding Where to Apply - Choosing the Best Dental School For You

Have you made the decision to apply to dental school and now have the task of narrowing down where you want to apply? Applying to dental school is a very personal decision. Even if a school is popular and highly ranked, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is the right educational environment for you. It is important to decide what you are looking to get out of your dental school experience. We want to offer some advice on what to consider before making your decision.  Reflect When applying to dental school, it is important to ask yourself some tough questions. Think about why you want to apply to dental school and what you would like to get out of your school experience. What motivated your decision to apply to dental school and what excites you about a career in dentistry? During your journey in researching schools, the application process, and when interviewing with schools, you are going to have to answer this question frequently. Choose a Location It can be difficult deciding where to apply for dental school. Did you enjoy the atmosphere of your undergraduate college and could you see yourself attending a similar dental school? Consider which geographical location you are most drawn to or would enjoy living in. Decide if you like living in more of a rural or urban environment. Other considerations should include the student body, class-size, extra-curricular activities in the area, and volunteer opportunities.  Speak to Others While choosing a dental school is a personal decision, it is important to talk to others who have had similar life experiences. Speak to your dentist about where they went to school and any recommendations they have. They might know others you can speak to and ask about their experiences. It is also beneficial to speak with a current dental student to hear their thoughts and get any advice about not only choosing a school, but also the application process and what to expect as a new dental student. If you are interested in pursuing further education and applying to dental school, be sure to read more about the scholarship provided by Dr. Michael Krochak. The deadline is quickly approaching, so, if you are eligible, get your application in as soon as possible. Applications for the 2022 award can be submitted starting in June 2021 through January 31, 2022. To learn more about the scholarship and to see if you are eligible to apply, click the link below. The Dr. Michael Krochak Pre-Dental Scholarship was developed to encourage young men and women to enter the field of dentistry. The scholarship helps students pursuing careers in dentistry to meet the rising cost of college tuition and is available to students in their junior year of college. For additional information on the scholarship, please visit our website: .