Tips to Help With Starting Dental School

Are you interested in applying for or attending dental school? Over the past few months, we have shared some important information and tips to help you prepare during each of your undergraduate years. These tips touched on important deadlines to meet and what should be accomplished during each semester. What happens after you are accepted into dental school? This month, we want to share some important tips to help you in your preparation before school begins and what to expect during the first few weeks. We want to help set you up for success during your first semester of dental school. Tips to Lead You on a Path to Success You may be thinking that the school year only started a few short months ago, but we don’t think it is ever too early to prepare yourself for the future. This information is also important if you are still on the fence about applying for dental school, it will give you some insight about what to expect during the first few months of school. Get Involved on Campus If your school has an orientation or program for first-year students, be sure to take advantage and participate. You will have an opportunity to meet like-minded classmates and learn about the culture on campus. You can also look for clubs or study groups to become a part of.  Prepare Your Mind and Body The first year of dental school will be challenging. The coursework and expectations are more rigorous than anything you have done in your undergraduate career. It is important to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the start of your journey. Be mindful of your eating habits and be sure to exercise regularly. If you feel your stress level rising, take a brief break from studying or coursework and do some light exercise, such as a brisk walk, or take a trip to your campus exercise facility. Limiting sugar and caffeine will also be beneficial, even if doing so seems counterproductive.  Practice Hand Skills The field of dentistry relies heavily on the skilled use of your hands. Be sure to practice and keep your fingers and hands nimble with activities such as piano or playing an instrument, sports, and even knitting. We hope you find these tips helpful. If you are still considering applying to dental school and you are a junior in the process of receiving your undergraduate degree, be sure to consider applying to the scholarship provided by Dr. Michael Krochak. The deadline for submission is quickly approaching. If you are interested in pursuing further education and applying to dental school, be sure to read more about the scholarship provided by Dr. Michael Krochak. Applications for the 2022 award can be submitted starting in June 2021 through January 31, 2022. To learn more about the scholarship and to see if you are eligible to apply, be sure to click the link below. The Dr. Michael Krochak Pre-Dental Scholarship was developed to encourage young men and women to enter the field of dentistry. The scholarship helps students pursuing careers in dentistry to meet the rising cost of college tuition and is available to students in their junior year of college. For additional information on the scholarship, please visit our website: .