Timeline Of What To Do Before Applying For Dental School: Sophomore Year

Last month, we reviewed some helpful tips for freshmen interested in attending dental school after receiving their undergraduate degree. This month, we are continuing the series and discussing the timeline for sophomore year. Applying to dental school is a lengthy process, and it is important to be as prepared as possible if you are considering the field of dentistry for your future.  During the School Year During your sophomore year, it is important to finalize an undergraduate major. There is no prerequisite that you need to be a science major to be accepted into dental school, but it is important to fulfill certain science course requirements, even if they need to be taken over the summer. If you joined a pre-dental club, be sure to get more involved and help organize events. It will look great on a future application and resume. Speak with your counselor or advisor about any workshops or dental research opportunities that are available both during the school year and over the summer.  During the Summer Be sure to take any summer classes that are recommended to you. If you are interested in a future in dentistry, it would be in your best interest to intern, volunteer, or work in the dental field during your downtime from courses. In addition, it would be in your best interest to have a summer job, as you want to keep your debt as low as possible. The process of applying to dental school can get expensive, and it is best to have little to no debt as well as extra funds to help pay for costs such as the DAT, the ADEA application, and the application fees to dental school, to name a few. If you are responsible for paying for these fees, it is important to be aware of what is coming in the future. Don’t forget to look into the scholarship information posted below.  It is important to note that these suggestions are merely a guideline and should not be used as a finalized checklist. Be sure to speak with your counselor or advisor at school for further guidance and to help formulate a more concrete plan for you and your future goals.  Scholarship Opportunity If you are interested in pursuing further education and applying to dental school, be sure to read more about the scholarship provided by Dr. Michael Krochak. Applications for the 2022 award can be submitted starting in June 2021 through January 31, 2022. To learn more about the scholarship and see if you are eligible to apply, be sure to click the link below. The Dr. Michael Krochak Pre-Dental Scholarship was developed to encourage young men and women to enter the field of dentistry. The scholarship helps students pursuing careers in dentistry to meet the rising costs of college tuition and is available to students in their junior year of college. For additional information on the scholarship, please visit our website: https://www.krochakpredentalscholarship.com/pre-dental-scholarship .