A Short Guide: What is Seven Day NHS? MMIs

What is it? In the Conservative Party Manifesto, 2015, a key ambition of the government was to implement a 'seven day NHS'. Following an increased risk of patient death admitted at weekends, the idea of 'seven day nhs' was to ensure patients always had access to high-quality treatment, since although certain areas of the NHS run 24/7 a large proportion of treatments are not available late into the night and on weekends. Already, for extreme situations the NHS is available 24/7 - such as with heart attacks, however Seven Day NHS would extend to GP appointments being available at a greater range of times, testing being more available and inpatients having 24/7 access to treatment. And since dentistry is a part of the NHS, Seven Day NHS also applies to dentistry.

In an MMI context, you may be asked to argue for and/or against the Seven Day NHS.
In theory, patients receive high-quality care 24/7
And since a healthcare professional's main concern should be for the patient this is desirable
Thus reducing deaths and other negative complications

Reduces the backlog
More availability for people in areas where it is difficult to access healthcare
Maintains a high regard for healthcare professionals
Unrealistic, especially with the current level of funding, staffing, contract issues
Links to doctors already being over worked and resources already being stretched
Which may lead to a loss of morale and anger

Some times inevitably have low to no patient demand and so opening 24/7 is a waste of resources
There are more realistic alternatives