Dental Assisting Salary for a Great New Career

Our curriculum goes far beyond basic training and it shows by the number of students that get hired. Our facility is upscale and we run a tight ship regarding professionalism in all aspects of learning and hands-on training. Sign up today to start your journey to a new job with a great dental assisting salary today!

In just 13-weeks you could be a meticulously trained and become a highly-demanded dental assistant. We train our student well and they benefit from the training by being actively sought after by dental offices in the surrounding areas!
We look forward to meeting you and offering you an excellent opportunity to learn a great career and work with a team of experienced dentists and hygienists who will train you on-site. Why wait? Sign up now for our next session start your path to a new dental assistant job. All you need to do is  email  or call (248) 818-1075 today.
Dr. Noah Levi
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