5 Questions & Answers for Your First Dental Assistant Interview

You’ve completed your training and your coursework, and now it’s time to take your first steps into the world of being a dental assistant ! As with any career path, you’ll need to go through the interviewing process as you look for your first job. As nerve-racking as interviews can sometimes be, preparing a few of the most common dental assistant interview questions and their answers ahead of time can help calm your nerves and make you stand out in the crowd! Here are five common interview questions you should be prepared for and some tips on how to answer them.

Question 1: Tell Me About Yourself

You’ll hear this question in almost any interview you go to in any field. When applying for a dental assistant position, make sure to focus on your personal life and personality traits regarding how they align with the role of a dental assistant. Describe how you can add to the dentist’s practice and what your goals are.

Question 2: When Was a Time You Delt With an Angry Customer?

Use this question to demonstrate your skills in customer service, problem solving, and patience. Dealing with patients who are afraid or in pain will be a part of your job as a dental assistant, so demonstrate your ability to deescalate tense situations and foster feelings of peace and relaxation.

Question 3: What Are Your Strengths? Your Weaknesses?

This is another very common question in any interview, and it can be somewhat tricky. Make sure to describe your weaknesses in a positive light, and don’t be too boastful about your strengths. The best way to illustrate your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses are with a personal example.

Question 4: What Computer Programs Are You Familiar With?

As a dental assistant, it’s likely you’ll be working with scheduling software, billing procedures, and other key administrative tasks that will be completed via computer. You should be very familiar with Microsoft Office, spreadsheets, and word processing programs. Convey that you’re a fast learner and have a variety of computer skills.

Question 5: Tell Me About Your Experience As A Dental Assistant

This can be a daunting question if you’ve just graduated. If you have little or no experience at a dental assisting job, highlight the various training experience you received from school. This should include hands-on training, externships, and any other real-world experiences that translate to your role as a dental assistant, such as customer service or administrative skills. Let the dentist know just how passionate you are about being a dental assistant!  

If you’re still in the stage of choosing a dental assistant training program, consider selecting one that offers job placement assistance. This can make all the difference when trying to get your foot in the door for the career of your dreams!

About the Practice

A-Z School of Dental Assisting & Front Office is proud to provide everything you need to start your meaningful career as a dental assistant! Our 12-week program covers a wide variety of topics with hands-on training and small class sizes taught by experienced instructors. What’s more, we offer 100% job placement assistance to help you get off to the best start possible as a dental assistant. To learn more, we can be reached online or at (480) 457-8330.
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