5 Trends in the Dental Industry to Keep Your Eye On

Dentistry may be thousands of years old, but it’s evolved tremendously over the years. In particular, dental techniques and treatments have advanced by leaps and bounds over the past few decades! Like any medical field, the dental industry is continually reinventing itself to become more effective, more efficient, and more comfortable for patients. If you’re pursuing a career in dental assisting, you’ll be experiencing these new changes firsthand! Here are five trends in dentistry you should keep an eye on while you complete your dental assistant training class .

1.) Intraoral Dental Scanning

Intraoral digital dental scanning is quickly becoming the new norm in dentistry. This technology takes high-resolution 3D scans of the entire mouth in just a few moments. Not only is this far faster and more comfortable for patients, but it also makes it much easier to spot and fix unclear images.

2.) Alternative Cavity Treatment

As dentistry continues to lean towards less invasive treatments, leading dental researchers are testing alternative forms of cavity treatment. Instead of using fillings, options like silver diamine fluoride and amorphous calcium phosphate can stop and treat cavities with tooth remineralization.

3.) Virtual Dentistry

Teledentistry has revolutionized providing care for patients in unprecedented situations, and it’s here to stay. Patients can consult with their dentist via phone or video calls without needing to come into the office, and dental professionals can learn online and through video. As a dental assistant, you’ll need to hone your interpersonal skills to become a reassuring and trusted presence in person, online, and over the phone.

4.) 3D Printing

3D printing may soon become the optimal way to create dental restorations. Having a 3D printer in office to quickly print out restorations like dental crowns dramatically cuts down on waiting time and the potential for issues between appointments. As you train to become a dental assistant, make sure to become familiar with 3D printing technology and milling machines to stay current with this trend.

5.) Spa-Like Dentistry

Some practices are beginning to offer concierge-style services. For this option, a patient pays a monthly fee whether they need to see a dentist or not. When they do need to visit, they can book appointments easily and enjoy highly personalized and low-stress care. Some practices offer spa-like services and others focus on a holistic patient experience. As you work with patients, you’ll develop the soft skills you need to thrive in a practice that offers concierge services.

The dental industry may be rapidly changing, but the need for trained dental assistants is not. As the demand for dental assistants continues to grow, make sure to keep an eye on these five trends to give yourself the best start possible!

About the Practice

Are you interested in starting a new, fulfilling career in 12 weeks? Then give A-Z School of Dental Assisting & Front Office a call! Our comprehensive training program is lead by experienced instructors who teach small class sizes to ensure everyone gets the thorough training they need to thrive as a dental assistant. Not only do we offer hands-on training for a variety of certifications, but we also provide 100% job placement assistance! To get started on your journey towards a new career, visit us online or give us a call at (480) 457-8330.
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