Why I Attend Dental Hygiene Conferences

In the beginning of 2010, I was a Dental Hygiene student just starting the last half of my first year. I had entered Dental Hygiene school six months earlier to become a dental hygienist. I however, did NOT know what a dental hygienist actually was, despite having worked in a dental office for years. Six months into school, my eyes were opened, and the passion for the profession of Dental Hygiene was lit. Gratefully, I had an incredible mentor Erika Hammond, who saw how much I wanted to learn, change and become. She encouraged me to apply to be the ADHA District X student delegate. I took that nudge and got my application in, barely, at the finish line of the deadline. The application asked what qualities a student delegate should possess. I wrote: “A Student Delegate who possesses leadership, responsibility for the profession, and the desire to serve, will be a valuable Student Delegate.” What I didn’t know at that time was that I would be chosen as the Student Delegate and that attending the ADHA Annual Conference was going to uniquely change my life. I didn’t know that attending would enrich my understanding of what leadership meant. I didn’t know that I would walk away forever changed by what it means to take responsibility for my profession, nor was I prepared for how the service of others would change the trajectory of my professional life. Watching fellow hygienists lead through engaging in opportunities for education, collaboration and advocacy gave me a broader view of what a Dental Hygienist is, and can be, when we work together. I remember being led by Dr. Esther Wilkins down the hall to my next class (because I couldn’t catch up with her, she was fast!). She then showed leadership, by taking time to speak with me about my dental hygiene student experience, and offered me support and encouragement. It can be easy to get tunnel vision in our journey as a dental hygienist, in 2010 I certainly had student tunnel vision. Matthew McConaughey in that characteristic accent said “The best education I’ve had in my life is to travel.” Going to ADHA Annual Conference is an opportunity to travel to many places at once, all in one spot. Annual Session gave me a WIDE view of what other dental hygienists were doing in the profession and blew my tunnel vision to bits. In my application I wrote ““A student delegate needs to have the desire to use their education and skills to help their fellow hygienists, students and the community. As you share with others the service is reciprocated creating a better student, clinician, and person.”  Seeing other hygienists taking responsibility for their profession by supporting it, advocating for it and using it to better the lives of their patients, the dental community and each other proved to be evidence of that. I became a better student, I am a better clinician and person for attending National meetings. I can confidently say that my role as a clinician, educator, entrepreneur and learner was propelled by my first attendance to ADHA Annual Conference and has been continually enriched and molded by continual opportunities to travel to many places at once through other national conferences.  When we come together and share from our varied backgrounds and experiences, our tunnel vision is removed and we leave inspired to be valuable and valued as Dental Hygienists.