Dental Hygienist Spotlight: Katie Bayle, RDH

We love clinical practice. We need great RDHs working in the op, seeing patients, helping them with their oral health, and educating to improve their overall health. But, seeing dental hygienists break out into something else definitely warms our heart. Katie is a clinical dental hygienist that saw a need in her community and has now started her own professional whitening business. Interested in starting your own? Katie has some great advice and can definitely help you in your journey.

How long have you been an RDH? I have been an registered dental hygienist for 4 years, with 8 years prior dental assisting experience. I knew this was my future when I idolized the cool, older neighborhood girl who was an ortho dental assistant! What kind of practice do you work in? I am practicing two days a week in an amazing family practice, where I get to work with my best friend as my colleague. I knew if we could survive dental hygiene school together, working would be a breeze! More importantly, I am running Salt City Whitening on Saturdays and basically working on it every day that I have off. What inspired you to start your business? After 12 years a dentistry, I had hit a wall. I felt I grew all that I could in a clinical hygiene setting and had a desire for something more. After seeing marketing for teeth whitening on social media, I started to notice that majority of people providing it are licensed esthetician’s, nail technicians, etc. None of these people (bless them) had dental knowledge. I thought, why aren’t there more people like me in this whitening world? I have a college education in something DIRECTLY related to teeth whitening... What was stopping me from being a trusted source that people could turn to for their teeth whitening needs? So, I saved my money up, and started my business. Now I get to have an adorable work suite, a positive space, and clients that I love! What’s your favorite part of being a dental hygienist? I love that I have a career that can help fuel my creativity and passions outside of the op. I strongly believe that in my years of working closely with patients, it opened my eyes to how much people struggle with self confidence. I, myself, spent a long time working and learning to accept myself as I am, flaws and all. I really want to help people find that within themselves as well. Providing teeth whitening is the foundation of that, and could easily be the foundation of something that you’re passionate about as well! So, my favorite thing about being a dental hygienist? The birth of Salt City Whitening! Fast forward to today, and I am providing a service that I’m knowledgeable in, have a platform to promote body positivity, and it’s all my own. Any advice for someone wanting to start their own whitening business? GO. FOR. IT. This is something you are well educated on, can make a difference in someone’s confidence, and you can pour your heart and soul into. Ask yourself, what is holding you back from something that you could be so great at?

Thank you Katie for letting us chat with you about your new venture! To see her business and find out what she’s up to, make sure you follow Salt City Whitening on Instagram at @saltcitywhitening.