6 Tips Dental Professionals can use to Manage Inflation

I’m writing this blog after spending $80 to fill up my gas tank.  Last week I purchased a loaf of bread for $8… so needless to say inflation sucks. 

My household has already started putting some of these tips to good use and I hope it helps you all too!

#1 Evaluate Your Bills

Cancel all the subscriptions you don’t need. This includes:

 Cable Home phone Gym membership Subscription services like Stitch Fix Any Apps that have a recurring monthly charge.

 Call your other bills and defer or ask to temporarily lower payments, this includes:

 Rent/Mortgage Car Payment Student Loans Credit Cards Cell Phone Internet

Call your insurance companies (Home, Renters, Car & Health) and ask if there are any ways to lower your policy.  If not, start shopping around.

#2 Find Extra Income

Look for additional ways to make money until this inflation dies down.  

Ask your dentist for ways to make some extra cash – Offer to do a deep DEEP clean of the office. Or Inventory.  Or any of these awesome ideas . Temp – If your office is only open 4 days a week, temp on your day off or if you really need the extra cash, pick up a Saturday temp shift. Set up your DirectDental profile, input your temp availability and make sure to respond quickly when a temp request comes your way. Babysitting – When in doubt, go back to the basics.  Offer your services online through your community Facebook group or your Nextdoor app .  Or even join a babysitting website like SitterCity .   Food delivery/Groceries – Even with inflation, people are still ordering their groceries online.  You can do this on evenings and weekends to pick up some extra cash. 

#3 Shop smart

I’m used to shopping at one grocery store and I just buy what I need.  But after buying a loaf of bread for $8, I decided I need to start looking for deals.  So now I actually pay attention to the junk mail that comes in so I can see what groceries stores are having deals. Then I hop on over to get the necessities my family needs at a lower price.  Yes it takes more time and yes it is slightly inconvenient, but my pocket book is happier. 

#4 Ask for a raise

Unfortunately, your employer is also feeling the squeeze of inflation, but if they want to keep you they might have to work with you and bring your pay up.  Here is a post on how to ask for a raise.  

#5 Find work closer to home

In this job market, work is super easy to find for Dental Assistants, Hygienist and Front Office Dental Personnel.  So if your commute to work is taking a big chunk of money out of your pocket, it might be time to find something closer to home.  

Simply head to DirectDental and search for jobs in your zip code.  Apply to the ones you like and then make sure you negotiate a nice pay rate . 

#6 Set Boundaries

With the stress that comes with increased cost of living, it is super important to take care of your mental and physical state.  Here are two posts that will help you set boundaries in your life and at work, which should hopefully help decrease your stress.  

Self-Care Tips for Dental Professionals that are Actually Useful Setting Boundaries in your Dental Job

I hope these 6 tips help you better manage this inflation as well as any financial hardships it is putting you and your family through.  


Holli Perez  DirectDental

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