STAT+: Pharmalittle: FTC may probe PBM contracts with pharmacies; Swiss voters reject animal testing ban

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to another working week. We hope the weekend respite was relaxing and invigorating, because that oh-so familiar routine of online calls and deadlines — and for some, a commute — has predictably returned. This can mean only one thing: time to fire up the coffee kettle for a cup or three of stimulation. Our choice today is cinnamon hazelnut, an old standby. Please feel free to join us. Remember, no prescription is required. Meanwhile, here are some tidbits to help you as you start your journey, which we hope will be productive and meaningful. As always, we encourage you to keep in touch. We appreciate those postcards and telegrams. …
Europe’s refusal to share Covid-19 vaccine technology threatens to overshadow a major gathering of European and African leaders this week , Politico tells us. Europe wants to use the two-day summit — which has been delayed by 16 months due to the pandemic — to advance relations on several fronts, but access to vaccines will be high on the agenda. African leaders are furious the continent received mere “crumbs” from wealthy countries, leaving their populations much less protected against the virus. But Europe shows no sign of moving on what is a central issue for many African leaders — loosening access to intellectual property on vaccines. Continue to STAT+ to read the full story…