STAT+: Pharma’s global productivity is rising, with China accounting for a larger share

Even as the pandemic continues to take a toll on the world economy, the pharmaceutical industry appears to have emerged well positioned to churn out needed medicines, with China is capturing a larger share, according to a new report. The analysis also found a record number of clinical studies under way, burgeoning product pipelines, and increased R&D investments by the world’s largest drug makers.
For instance, 84 novel new medicines were initially launched globally in 2021, a record amount and also double the number from five years ago. The total number of medicines actively being developed in human trials globally exceeds 6,000, up 67% from 2016. There are also more than 800 next-generation therapies in the R&D pipeline, up from 600 at the end of 2019. Continue to STAT+ to read the full story…