STAT+: Pharmalittle: Pressure campaign grows to confirm Califf as FDA head; FDA regulator skeptical of Lilly drug licensed from China

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to another working week. We hope the weekend respite was relaxing and invigorating, because that oh-so-familiar routine of online calls and deadlines has predictably returned. To cope, we are brewing a cup or three of stimulation. Our choice today is vanilla macadamia nut. Feel free to join us. Remember, no prescription is required, so need to track those pesky rebates. Meanwhile, we have assembled a few items of interest to help you get started. We hope today is productive and pleasurable. And as always, do keep in touch …
Some of the nation’s most influential doctors and public health groups are orchestrating a mad-dash effort to convince senators to confirm Robert Califf, President Biden’s pick to lead the Food and Drug Administration , STAT reports. Advocacy groups like the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and Friends of Cancer Research are calling lawmakers and their staff. The American Heart Association is organizing an activist call-in campaign. The pressure campaign comes amid growing signs the nomination is in serious trouble. Five Democrats in the Senate have already expressed serious concerns and at least 10 more are still undecided about his candidacy. Continue to STAT+ to read the full story…