STAT+: Pharmalittle: Former Rochester CEO is convicted over opioid crisis; Covid-19 therapies appear cost-effective

Good morning, everyone, and how are you today? We are doing just fine, thank you. Gloomy skies may be hovering over the Pharmalot campus right now, but our spirits remain sunny, nonetheless. Why? We will trot out a bit of insight from the Morning Mayor, who would say, “Every new day should be unwrapped like a precious gift.” To celebrate the notion, we are brewing still more cups of stimulation and invite you to join us. Our choice today is gingerbread spice. Meanwhile, here are a few items of interest. Hope you have a smashing day and, of course, do stay in touch. We look forward to suggestions, criticism and juicy tips …
A federal jury convicted former Rochester Drug Co-operative chief executive officer Laurence Doud of trafficking opioids to “bad pharmacies” and “dirty doctors,” Reuters reports. Doud, 78, was convicted of conspiring to distribute illegal narcotics and conspiring to defraud the U.S. and could face life in prison on the charge of conspiring to distribute controlled substances. Federal prosecutors noted this was the first case in which a drug distributor and company executives have faced criminal charges for drug trafficking opioids. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2020. In 2019, it agreed to pay $20 million to settle criminal and civil charges related to opioid sales. Continue to STAT+ to read the full story…